Apple reportedly secured a spot among India’s top five smartphone brands in 2024. It is the first time the Cupertino-based tech giant has made it into the top five smartphone brands in India, since it started selling iPhone models in the country. Apple released the latest iPhone 16 series in the third quarter of last year, but the brand’s latest achievement comes on the heels of the increased popularity of the previous-gen iPhone 15 and iPhone 13 models. Aggressive trade-in offers also appear to have fuelled the sales of the company’s smartphones in the country.
Citing preliminary data from market research firms IDC and Counterpoint Research, Moneycontrol reports that Apple has captured a 9 percent to 10 percent market share in the October-December (Q4 2024) period. This is a notable achievement for the brand as it broke into the top five list for the first time since launching iPhone models in India.
Apple’s rise to the top five smartphone brands for the first time is reportedly due to festive discounts and interest-free financing plans that include no-cost EMI for up to 24 months. “E-tailer deals also ensured a high double-digit growth for Apple through the year” the report quotes Upasana Joshi, Research Director at IDC as said.
The popularity and sale of 2023’s iPhone 15 and the iPhone 13 reportedly drove Apple’s success. The iPhone 15 was launched in September 2023. The iPhone 13 was released in 2021 and it is no longer sold through Apple’s official website in India.
Apple’s Growth in India
Apple’s expansion in the country is part of its global strategy, and India is poised to become the company’s third-largest market by 2026. The firm’s local sales volumes in India have been growing for five consecutive years and are projected to reach 15 million units annually by next year. Currently, India is the iPhone maker’s fifth-largest market, behind Japan (third) and the UK (fourth).
As per the IDC report, Apple shipped over 12 million iPhone units in India in 2024, marking 34–35 percent year-on-year growth compared to 9 million shipments in 2023. The brand is also focusing on strengthening its local manufacturing in the country and is eying to expand its India-made portfolio.
Apple started manufacturing the iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max locally in the country through Foxconn and Pegatron. It is said to be ramping up component production for AirPod wireless charging cases through Jabil.