Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), which regularly posts AI-generated videos on social media, has released a spoof on Home Minister Amit Shah. The video mocks the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for not revealing its chief minister candidate. The post read: “Mota Bhai can’t find BJP’s groom even with binoculars.”
The Delhi Legislative Assembly election 2025 for all 70 constituencies will take place on February 5. The results will be announced on February 8.
The video, originally a Red Bus commercial featuring Allu Arjun and Parul Gulati, shows Home Minister Amit Shah on top of a tree. When Allu Arjun asks him why he is there, Shah says, “I am looking for BJP’s CM candidate for Delhi. I’m not finding one.”
AAP members often use the hashtag #DulhaKaun to mock the BJP for not revealing the CM candidate. The original video on YouTube, released in 2017, has gained 9.5 crore views.
Delhi Chief Minister Atishi earlier criticised the BJP. She claimed that the saffron party was planning to project Ramesh Bidhuri as their chief ministerial candidate for the upcoming Delhi assembly elections.
Atishi, who took over as CM after Arvind Kejriwal’s resignation last year, alleged that Bidhuri was rewarded for his abusive remarks as a party leader.
Speaking to the media, Atishi mocked the BJP for not announcing its CM candidate and said Delhi residents would trust AAP for leadership under Arvind Kejriwal.
Delhi CM Atishi’s social media post
On X (formerly Twitter), the Delhi CM wrote, “Reliable sources have revealed that in this morning’s CEC meeting of the ‘Gali Galauch Party’, it was decided that their most abusive leader, Ramesh Bidhuri, will be the chief ministerial candidate. This decision is expected to be approved in the parliamentary committee meeting this evening.”
“Now, the people of Delhi have two options: on one side is the educated, hardworking leader Arvind Kejriwal, and on the other is the abusive Ramesh Bidhuri,” she added.