Intel unveiled several new Core Ultra (Series 2) processors on Monday, at CES 2025. The US chipmaker’s new lineup includes two SKUs of its Core Ultra 9, Core Ultra 7, Core Ultra 5 processors, which support up to 96GB of LPDDR5X RAM. The top of the line Core Ultra 9 285HX chip is equipped with 24 cores, and it has a peak clock speed of up to 5.5GHz. Intel also announced refreshed Meteor Lake CPU models with four new models.
Intel Arrow Lake HX Series Processor Specifications
The new Core Ultra 9 CPUs from Intel are available in 285HX and 275HX SKUs that equipped with 24 cores (8 performance, 16 efficiency), with a peak clock speed of 5.5GHz. The new Core Ultra 7 models are available in 265HX and 255HX variants with 20 cores (8 performance, 12 efficiency) with up to 5.3GHz clock speed.
Intel also unveiled two Core Ultra 5 SKUs (245HX, 235HX) that are equipped with 6 performance cores (up to 5.1GHz) and 8 efficiency cores. All these SKUs have a turbo wattage of 57W, which means that the company has prioritised performance for these laptop chips. All these SKUs feature an Intel Arc iGPU and support up to 96GB of LPDDR5x RAM along with up to Thunderbolt 5, Wi-Fi 7, and Bluetooth 5.4 connectivity, according to details shared by the company.
Intel Core Ultra 200U Series Specifications
Unlike the company’s more powerful Arrow Lake HX models, the new Core Ultra 200U series processors have a lower core count and a clock speed. The new lineup contains two Core Ultra 7 and two Core Ultra 5 SKUs — all of these are equipped with 2 performance cores, 8 efficiency cores, and 2 low-power efficiency cores.
The Core Ultra 7 is available in 265U and 255U SKUs with a peak clock speed of 5.3GHz and 5.2GHz, respectively. On the other hand, the Core Ultra 5 235U and 225U are clocked at 4.9GHz and 4.8GHz. All four chipsets can be equipped with up to 96GB of DDR5 RAM, and offer Thunderbolt 4, Wi-Fi 7, and Bluetooth 5.4 connectivity.
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