As debate over excavation at historical sites heats up in Uttar Pradesh, Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav takes a jibe at CM Yogi Adityanath saying that there is ‘Shivling’ beneath official residence. He also noted that ‘Digging everywhere will not get us to any solution’.
Addressing reporters in Lucknow, Yadav said, “There is a Shivling under the Chief Minister’s residence in Lucknow. It should also be excavated.”
His remark came amid rising political tension as a 250-foot-deep stepwell from the 1857 revolt era was unearthed during an archaeological survey in Uttar Pradesh’s Sambhal, following excavation in the Laxman Ganj area.
“They will end up digging their own government,” Akhilesh Yadav says
“Digging everywhere will not get us to any solution. There is a Places of Worship Act in our country, which prohibits such things,” he said last week while reacting to the excavation.
He also said, “They will keep searching like this and one day, by digging and digging, they will end up digging their own government.”
Last Sunday, an excavation team from the Archaeological Survey of India unearthed a stepwell in the Chandausi area of Sambhal district.
District Magistrate Rajendra Pensiya on Sunday confirmed the discovery of a ‘baoli’ (stepwell) covering an area of 400 square metres. The structure, featuring around four chambers, includes floors made of marble.
He explained, “The structure, which has around four chambers, includes floors made of marble and bricks. The second and third floors are made of marble, while the upper floors are built from bricks.” He also added, “This baoli is said to have been built during the time of the grandfather of Bilari’s king.”
The discovery came after the reopening of a Shiv-Hanuman temple in the district, which had been closed for 46 years. The DM has further estimated that the structure could be over 150 years old.